When it comes to fashion, handbags are a key accessory. They can make or break an outfit, and they say a lot about your personal style. If you're looking for a new handbag, it's important to find one that represents your unique look. In this blog post, we'll give you some tips on how to find the perfect handbag for your style.
1. Find your own style
What items in your closet make you feel the most confident? What do they have in common? Take some time to reflect on what makes each item special for YOU! You can also take our test to find out your style essence.
2. Discover what handbag style suits your needs
The most important thing to look for in a handbag is how it will function and fit your life. For example, an open-top tote works when you drive around town, but not so much if public transport becomes part of the routine! It is extremely important to find a handbag that matches your needs. Take our quiz to find the perfect match for you.
3. Find fashion inspiration
Fashion inspiration can come from anywhere, and the most reliable style resources are right at your fingertips. Find your next outfit inspiration by looking through magazines, online or even social media for pictures of styles you love! When looking for inspiration, remember that it doesn't have to come from fashion - sometimes art, movies and even nature can provide a fresh perspective on how we wear our accessories.
We hope that you found this blog post helpful as you search for the perfect handbag to fit your own unique style. And if you need a little help getting started, we’ve got just the thing. Shop our accessories and find the perfect handbag for you - all made in New York City.
Article written by Kat Yasuda.
Kat Yasuda is the Clutch Bags resident blogger. She loves to create and has a passion for design and art.